Last Saturday, Valerie's another gang member, Vivana, turned two. Vivana had her birthday party in MacDonald, Royal Oak. Val went with Benedict. I had a workshop to attend....sob.....sob.........
According to Benedict, Valerie is such a loser in eating. All the kids finished their Happy Meals and she is not even finishing her first piece of nuggets.....sigh~~~~~
I think due to too many birthdays recently, she's now into the Happy Birthday song. Man.....I have never sung Happy Birthday songs so many times in one day. She has problem in pronouncing Birthday.....when she sings, she sings: Happy.....(pause) you.....
If she wants me to sing, she would say: Happy to you, mummy.......and she found out the part where we can change the name. She would say: my turn. Daddy turn. Adela turn. Sophie turn etc........Then I have to sing over and over again. I hate this song sooooooooooo much!!! heheheheheh.......
One of her favourite songs is Old MacDonald Had a Farm. She thought they are the same. Now, whenever we passed MacDonald, she will yell out : Old Macdonald Farm........ehhehehhe.............